
Welcome to Rebecca Snow Nutrition.  We are passionate about helping people like you, people with chronic illness, reclaim your health and vitality with wellness practices, herbs and food.  Every day we choose to live more fully. Come join us!

We wake if we every wake at all to mystery.  – Annie Dillard

We are nutrition detectives.  We help people sort out the best nutritional path for their personal health goals, feeling healthier, more resilient.  Each step towards wellness matters no matter where you are starting from.  You can start the journey now.

The journey of a thousand miles, begins with one step -Lao Tzu

Sort through all the overwhelming information to find the path that is right for you.  We help you get clarity by putting all the pieces of the puzzle together, to bring clear direction to your path towards wellness.

If you are not ready to alter your way of life, you cannot be healed.   ~Hippocrates

Recent post

10 Ways I Tweak Recipes by Rebecca Snow

1) Add more garlic than the recipe calls for.  If the recipe says 1 clove, I usually add 2-3. Luckily everyone in my house likes garlic and no one is sensitive to FODMAPs.  There are so many benefits of garlic but to name a couple, it has medicinal properties and is highly nutritious with very […]