Sandwiches are a go to lunch for so many. And let’s face it they are easy to transport and a familiar meal. For most of my clients, it is a good idea to pass on the bread basket to achieve personal health goals.
Some common goals are…
Lower pain and inflammation
Lose weight, lose belly fat
Gain muscle
Longevity and long term health
Gut health
Increase energy
Reduce sugar cravings
Optimize cholesterol
Balance blood sugar
I am sure 200 years ago the bread was very different, more dense, more nutritious, less sweet, less chemicals, homemade. Probably a lot like the brown breads you can buy in scandinavian countries :). But today’s bread is different, often fortified, sugar added, highly refined, GMO’s, glyphosates and more. There are so many creative ways to substitute bread with vegetables. Here are a few of my favorites…
Egg life - wraps made of eggs for a egglicious bfast wrap or lunch
Baked sweet potato toast https://therealfoodrds.com/oven-baked-sweet-potato-toast-4-ways/ You can buy sweet potato toasts by Caulipower but it is cheaper to make.
Collard wraps http://www.nourishingmeals.com/2010/01/collard-wraps-with-raw-sunflower-pate.html Blanch a collard green in boiling water for 1 minute and then use it like a tortilla for a tasty lunch
Grilled portabella as a burger bun https://www.ruled.me/guilt-free-portobello-bun-burgers/
Cucumber boats with chicken or tuna salad - use cucumber as a boat for tasty proteins
Apple peanut butter sandwich - use apples to sandwich peanut butter
When I want to give my clients a healthier bread, here is my list
Contains gluten
Ezekial sprouted grain bread https://www.foodforlife.com/about_us/ezekiel-49 These breads are high in fiber and low glycemic
Dave's Killer bread. Dave makes a lot of breads, go for the ones that are 3-4 g of fiber per slice
Kim and Jake's https://kimandjakes.com/ oat bread
Grindstone bakery https://grindstonebakery.com/ quinoa and millet bread - very simple ingredients
Simple kneads https://www.simplekneads.com/ is available online or at some stores, they make pumperknickel, sourdough or quinoa
Make your own
Life changing loaf of bread - super dense and lovely nut bread https://food52.com/recipes/28886-my-new-roots-life-changing-loaf-of-bread